some pictures of our stand last sunday. It was a nice day!
zaterdag 26 november 2011
Sorry it has been a while.. I went to Londen. It was beautiful as always! Christmas is coming up..
maandag 3 oktober 2011
fotopolymeer I did two years ago...
zondag 25 september 2011
New purchases! All beautiful books! It's very nice that TATE republisched 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'The Hunting of The Snark' with beautiful illustrations by Tove Jansson
vrijdag 23 september 2011
woensdag 21 september 2011
Beautiful book I found in Berlin in a French children's bookstore...
zondag 11 september 2011
market-flee founds of last week. Couldn't resist the moose and the beautiful little wooden childrens chair
vrijdag 9 september 2011
My black-tile collection so far! I guess I started collecting something...
zondag 4 september 2011
Proudly presenting "Sir Bernadus: The Owl"
I finally finished it!
Next project; The Fox
maandag 29 augustus 2011
Beautiful floor patterns of tiny mozaïk...
Patterns of Berlin...
zondag 21 augustus 2011
Back from Berlin! It was amazing..
I will post some more pictures in the coming week.
donderdag 11 augustus 2011
Beautiful illustrations by Valerio Vidali
vrijdag 15 juli 2011
Sneak-peek of my bear-owl that I'm sewing...
maandag 11 juli 2011
Some beautiful pictures of Chuck Groenink His images really makes me dream, I hope I can make images that will let people dream...